Postal Stamp Image |
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Stamp Issue Date |
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05/09/1972 |
Postage Stamp Dinomination |
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0.20 |
Postal Stamp Serial Number |
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0663 |
Postal Stamp Name |
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Stamp Information |
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V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (popularily known as V..C.) was one of the clourful figures in Indian political life. He was an erudite scholar in Tamil, a prolific writer, a fray speaker, a trade union leader of unique calibre and a dauntless fighter for the fredom of NAtion. His life is a story of resisitance, strife, struggle, suffering and sacrifice for te cause of political, social and economic emancipation of India.
V.O.C. was born at Ottapidaram village in Tiruneveli district of Tamil Nadu on the 5th Sept., 1872, as the eldest son of Ulaganath Pillai and Paramayi Ammai. He had his high school education at Tuticorin and studied further in Tiruchirapalli qualifying to practice law in 1895. As a lawyer he won the esteem of eminent judges for his sincerity and ability in championing the causes of the oppressed.
Events of freedom strugle attracted V.O.C. He organised people to fight the foreign economic imperialism also by challenging the monopoly of the British Maritime trade in India. In 1906, he formed the Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company having regualr services betwee Tuticorin and Colombo. His courage and determination to run the Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company against the stern opposition of the British traders and the Imperial Governmentwon the proud acclaim of one and all. Added to this, V.O.C. organised Tiuticorian "Coral Mills" strike and broke the tranny of the British capabilities, who at the end agreed to enhance the wages and reduce the working hours. As an organiser of many nstitutions, like the "Swadeshi Prachara Sabha," "Dharmasangha Nesavuchalai," "National Godown," "Madras Agro-Industrial Society Ltd.," and "The Desabimana Sangam," V.O.C. stands out as a towering personality.
V.O. Chidambaram Pillai took an active part in the freedom struggle and he was close friend of dynamic leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal. After his return from the Surat Congres in 1907, he became a hardliner in the political aspirations. His powrful personality won mass apeal leading to upheavelsat Tuticorin and Tirunelvelli. Charged with offences of sedition he was sentenced for 40 years of imprisonment. On apeal the sentence was reducd for six years.
After his rlease in 1912 he turned to his chosen world of ideas. He completed his autobiography which he started writing in prison, in Tamil in a verse form. His ranslation of some of James Allen's brilliant books earned him an indisputable reputation of being an erudite Tamil scholar. His original Tamil works like "Meyyaram" and "Meyyarivu" speak out of his creative mind so rstless for its uninhibited expression.
V.O.C. attended the Calcutta Congress in 1920 but gradually withdrew himself from active part in politics and devoted hi time to the practice of law where he gave his service to noble causes. He passed away on the 18th Nov., 1936.
The Indian Posts & Telegraphs department is proud to honour this illustrious patriot by issuing a special postage stamp on the 5th September, 1972, on the occasion of his birth centenary. |
Philatelic Stamp Description |
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The design of the stamp is horizontal and depicts a portrait of V. O. Chidambaram Pillai with a ship sailing on seas in the background. |
Stamp Currency |
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P |
Stamp Type |
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Stamp Language |
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English |
Stamp Overall Size |
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3.91 x 2.9 |
Postal Stamp Print Size |
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3.56 x 2.5 cms. |
Number of Stamps Per Sheet |
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35 |
Stamp Perforations |
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13 x 13 |
Postal Stamp Shape |
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Diagonal |
Postage Stamp Paper |
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Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper |
Indian Stamp Process |
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Photogravure |
Number of stamps printed |
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30,00,000 |
Stamp Printed At |
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India Security Press |
Indian Stamp's Color |
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Monstral Blue & Red Brown |